Good Day GUITAR EUREKA Detectives!
You are given 10 clues to the identity of this person. See how many clues you require to solve the mystery....have fun!
1. I was born 31 March 1955 in Glaslow, Scotland
2. I moved with my parents to Sydney, Australia in 1963
3. I played in my first band called 'Kantuckee'
4. I formed this band in 1973 and have continued to this day.
5. Can I Sit Next To You Girl was our first single.
6. I been known to do a 'strip' during our show
7. My sister Margaret suggest I wear my school boy uniform on stage.
8. I am rarely seen without my Gibson SG and my amp is a Marshall model 1959 100 watt Super Lead Plexi
9. I am a hard rock guitarist.
10. My brother Malcolm is also in this band.
I am ????
