Good Day GUITAR EUREKA Detectives!
You are given 10 clues to the identity of this mystery OBJECT. See how many clues you require to solve the case...have fun!
1. I was first made in the late 70's
2. I have 3 knobs, overdrive, tone and level.
3. I am known to have a 'mid-hump' in EQ frequency.
4. I have a subtle clipping circuit and a post-clipping equalization circuit with a first-order high-pass shelving filter
5. My overdrive is produced using a variable gain op-amp circuit with matched diodes in the feedback circuit to produce soft, symmetrical clipping of the input waveform.
6. I use the JRC4558 chip, but have been known to use RC4558P, TL4558P, JRC 2043DD etc
7. I was contracted out to be made by a company called Maxon.
8. I was renamed with a few changes in 1982.
9. I am Green
10. I have been associated with players such as Stevie Ray Vaughan and Eric Johnson.
I am ?????
