Good Day GUITAR EUREKA Detectives!
You are given 10 clues to the identity of this mystery PERSON. See how many clues you require to solve the case...have fun!
1. I was born in Charleston, South Carolina on March 31, 1911 and passed away on March 1st, 1987
2. I played in a local group with a young William "Cat" Anderson, who went on to become an established trumpeter, working with notable figures such as Duke Ellington.
3. I moved to New York city and eventually worked clubs in Harlem and Greenwich Village.
4. I was noticed by the legendary talent scout John H. Hammond while working at a Manhattan nightspot called the Black Cat.
5. I got the nickname 'Pep' because when I get my hair cut short, the hair on the nape of my neck would curl up into little tiny balls that looked like peppercorns.
6. I setup my string action to be very very high.
7. I played an Epiphone Emperor in the late 30's. Switching to Strombergs in the 40's and 50's and Gretsch Eldorado from late 50's onwards.
8. I rarely took solos, concentrating instead on rhythmic accompaniment
9. John H. Hammond introduced me to Count Basie, I joined the Basie band in 1937.
10. I was part of the "All-American Rhythm Section" with Basie on piano, Jo Jones on drums, and Walter Page on bass.
I am???
